Frank Black - live notes. 2001
Another very busy year for Frank, with heavy touring of North America supporting
the new release, Dog In The Sand, from January through the end of May.
The night following the show on April 12, 2001 in Philadelphia delivered a blow
to the band, when the trailer storing their gear was stolen. The next couple
shows had to be canceled, but the gear was insured, so the band was able to
purchase new equipment and continue the tour.
The band hit Europe in August and played several shows, including some big festivals
such as Reading and Leeds.
Back home in November, Frank debuted some new songs at the Mint in Los Angeles.
{songs performed 2001}
(Instead of trying to get setlists for every show, I just took
a bunch of setlists from each year/era, and divided the songs up by how often
they were played)
regular rotation
(probably played at the majority of Frank's 2001 shows)
21 Reasons
All My Ghosts
The Black Rider (Tom Waits)
Blast Off
Dancing The Manta Ray (Pixies)
Dog Gone
Dog In The Sand
Everytime I Go Around Here
Fiddle Riddle [country/non-reggae version]
Fu Manchu
Gouge Away (Pixies)
If It Takes All Night
I’ll Be Blue
I’ve Seen Your Picture
Llano del Rio
Los Angeles
The Marsist
Monkey Gone To Heaven (Pixies)
Mr. Grieves (Pixies)
Nimrod's Son (Pixies)
Robert Onion
Sir Rockaby
Six-Sixty-Six [slow/heavy version] (Larry Norman)
Skeleton Man
So Hard to Make Things Out
Steak ‘N’ Sabre
Stupid Me
Where Is My Mind? (Pixies)
You’re Such a Wire
occasional rotation
(played once in a while / somewhat often)
(I Want To Live On An) Abstract Plain
All The Tired Horses [played as intro] (Bob Dylan)
Bad Harmony
Billy Radcliffe
Coming Into Los Angeles (Arlo Guthrie)
Crackity Jones (Pixies)
Dirty Old Town (Pouges)
The Holiday Song (Pixies)
I Gotta Move
I Love Your Brain
I Switched You
John the Revelator (Son House / traditional)
Jumping Bean
Men In Black
Re-make/Re-model (Brian Ferry)
Some Things (Angst)
Song of the Shrimp [A.K.A. The Shrimp Song] (Elvis Presley)
Velvety [instrumental - regular version] (Pixies)
rare occasions
(played very rarely; probably not more than a few times in 2001)
(Some known performance dates are in {brackets}. ?? = unconfirmed; please
e-mail me if you know for sure these songs were played in 2001.. or any
other songs not listed on this page. )
At The End of the World {March 9, 2001??, March 24, 2001??}
Brackish Boy {August 4, 2001; August 22, 2001}
Can I Get A Witness {April 20, 2001??}
Don't Ya Rile Em {March 19, 2001}
I Will Run After You {March 24, 2001}
Kicked In The Taco {August 4, 2001}
Smoke Up {August 4, 2001}
Speedy Marie {August 4, 2001; August 6, 2001}
St. Francis Dam Disaster {March 12, 2001??}
Two Spaces {March 17, 2001??}
Western Star {April 19, 2001; April 9, 2001}
Velvety [instrumental - slow version (??)] {February 10, 2001}
brand new tracks
(...and near the end of the year, Frank debuted a few tracks slated for the
next album)
Cold Heart of Stone {November 21, 2001}
Jane, the Queen of Love {November 21, 2001}
Valentine & Garuda {November 21, 2001}
Southbound Bevy {November 21, 2001}
Black Gigography