It's Just Not Your Moment
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Lyrics: We danced down on the sand Was least a million bands There was something about the light From the fires on the shore To Darin at the Troubador holding us in his hand that night
It’s just not your moment 'cause that moment is gone It’s just not your moment Now the light has moved on The smell of heaven sent Was everywhere you went But sweet blues went straight to hell
Goodbye my go-go girls My aggravation pearls Hear the echo in the shell This is just not your moment I hear Paris is now It’s just not your moment We’re all criminals now The last time that we kissed How you say, en parlance You won’t be sorely missed, no Gun to my head, got to get moving
Quotes: "My dad once told me that - he used to manage the restaurant next door to a nightclub called The Troubadour, in West Hollywood, in the sixties... He used to go and drink or party with the bartenders over at The Troubadour, and he'd be working at the restaurant next door called Dantana's, it's this famous old Hollywood haunt... He walked in the room, and Bobby Darin was on stage. My father didn't even care for Bobby Darin's music, per se, but Bobby Darin really had the audience in the palm of his hand. I mean he walked into the room for completely some other purpose, to borrow a case of vodka 'cause they ran out or something next door, he walked in and was stuck there for the next two hours because he couldn't leave the room, because Bobby Darin just had a grip on everybody in the room. He said it was the best musical concert he'd ever seen in his whole life. That's really saying something, I think. And as a performer, you wanna be that good, you wanna be like Bobby Darin at T he Troubadour, you wanna be like Elvis on a TV special or whatever." -Frank Black on FrankBlack.Net Podcast Season 1, Episode 12