Atom In My Heart
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Guitar Tab: http://www.frankblack.net/tabs/song.asp?song=honeycomb_atom_in_my_heart
Lyrics: Is there a place that you can't go back to? Is there a town you can't even enter Maybe there are whole states you don't even wanna pass through. now you're feeling down you're a weekly renter
Is your mind gone? Are you dog tired? Do you feel like it can't get no worse? I'm a big guy, can we try this? I will be the whole universe and you'll be the center You'll burn inside me like a star An atom in my heart An atom in my heart
Is your mind gone? Are you dog tired? Do you feel like it can't get no worse? I'm a big guy, can we try this? I will be the whole universe and you'll be the center You'll burn inside me like a star An atom in my heart An atom in my heart
I know a place, yeah it was made for you The earth is warm And the sky is tender
Quotes: "I'd call this a simple country/rock ditty. It's probably influenced a bit by Leonard Cohen. I have a lot of respect for his writing. I don't know if this sounds anything like him, but there's definitely a tether there." - Frank on recording Honeycomb - Night Times. 12/06/2005