Bird Dream Of The Olympus Mons
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Guitar Tab: http://www.frankblack.net/tabs/pixies.asp?song=tro-olympusmon
Lyrics: Speed leaving without Warning I need some place to sleep tonight Blowing in the rocking of the pine Speed leaving without warning The sunglight is going Into the mountain I will crawl Into the mountain Sun shines in the rusty morning Skyline of the oplympus mons I think about it sometimes Sun shines in the rusty morning Once I had a good fly Into the mountain I will fall
Quotes: It's just a song about a bird and he's flying around and then, like most birds, he flies into his tree at night and sleeps and then he dreams, and then he dreams about the Olympus Mons, which is the tallest mountain on Mars, a volcanic mountain, like 10 times the size of Everest or something.1> - Frank talking to the BBC