Distance Equals Rate Times Time
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Guitar Tab: http://www.frankblack.net/tabs/pixies.asp?song=tro-dequalsrt
Lyrics: i had a vision there wasn't any television from looking into the sun looking into the sun
we got to think quick says blind st. nick hey! from looking into the sun looking into the sun
we got to get some beer we got no atmosphere from looking into the sun looking into the sun
i had a vision there wasn't any television from looking into the sun
Quotes: Yeah--I mean I love TV and I hate it. I love it 'cause I get to watch "Dragnet" every night at ten o'clock. I mean, I like it even when I'm fucking watching early 70's cop shows dubbed into German and I'm sitting in my hotel room going, "There's nothing on except this shit." I'm addicted to it like anybody else. But when they finally get fiberoptics going and it becomes like CB radio, where everyone can fucking set up a video camera in their house and broadcast ... Try driving around in the city and listen to CB radio. Out in the open highway, it's just some truckers giving halfway useful information. But back in the city, it's some crazy guy sitting up in his room with masking tape on the CB, going, "RRRRGHHHH RRRRGGGHHH RRRRGGHHHH!!!" And there I am listening to the guy! He's working. The guy is broadcasting, and I'm fucking tuning in! When the phone's hooked up with TV, you're going to see a lot of bad things too--a lot of exploitation. - Frank in Mondo 2000, 1993